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Maria Emanuela Alberti

Maria Emanuela Alberti graduated in Ancient Numismatics at the University of Rome "la Sapienza" (1997) and specialized (MA) in Aegean Archaeology at the University of Florence (2001). After a Ph.D. in Archaeology of the Prehistory and Protohistory of Europe and Mediterranean at the University of Udine (2005), she entered the Italian School of Archaeology of Athens (S.A.I.A.) with a post­doc scholarship of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento dedicated to Federico Halbherr (2005). During the years, she took part in many excavations and surveys in Greece (Medeon­Megalo Kastraki, Thebes), especially in Crete (Petras, Halasmenos and Malia), Italy (Pyrgi, Lavinium, Rome Palatine and Populonia), France (Les Pierres Droites, Monteneuf, Rennes) and Great Britain (Queenhithe, Bull Wharf, London) and spent periods of study in Greece and Cyprus. She gave lectures at the Universities of Venice and Udine and at the S.A.I.A.

Starting from her Degree dissertation, she has been working on the ancient trade systems and metrology of the Mediteranean, especially of the Bronze Age Aegean. The organization, in collaboration with Enrico Ascalone and Luca Peyronel, of the international colloquium "Weights in Context", held in Rome in November 2004, is one of her last initiatives in this field. In recent years, with the work for her Ph.D., she dealed with many aspects of the archaeology of production of the Bronze Age Aegean, especially household activities and textiles industry, trying to connect the study of the archaeological material and broader historical­economic researches. She has been charged of the study of the cooking wares from two Neopalatial houses in the site of Petras (Siteia, Crete) by the 24th Ephorate P.C.A. (Ayios Nikolaos) and of the textiles tools from some contexts of the Mycenaean Kadmeia (Thebes, Bioitia) by the 9th Ephorate P.C.A. (Thebes) and the Center for Textile Research (University of Copenhagen), in collaboration with Yannis Fappas.

Degree Research: The Weight System at Crete and Cyclades in the Middle and Late Bronze Age. MA Dissertation: Weighing Materials in Context: the Funerary Evidence. The Greek Mainland during the Late Helladic Period. Ph.D. Dissertation: Work Areas for Textile Fibres Processing in the Aegean Bronze Age, with Particular Attention to the Industrial Wares. Post­doc Research in Athens: Household Activities and Utilitarian Coarse Ware in Neopalatial Crete: House I and House II of Petras, Siteia. 


  • Ayia Irini: Les poids de balance dans leur contexte, "Quaderni Ticinesi di Numismatica e Antichità Classiche",  vol. XXIV,  Lugano, 1995, pp. 9­37.
  • Il sistema ponderale egeo tra omogeneità e flessibilità: continuità e discontinuità tra il mondo minoico e quello miceneo, in V.La Rosa, D. Palermo e L.Vagnetti (eds.), *EpiV povnton plazovmenoi. Simposio Italiano di Studi Egei, dedicato a L. Bernabò Brea e G. Pugliese Carratelli, Roma, 18­20 Febbraio 1998, Roma ­Atene 1999.
  • A Stone or a Weight? The Tale of the Fish, the Melon and the Balance, Annali Istituto Italiano di Numismatica 45, 1998, pp. 9­22.
  • Les poids de Malia entre les premiers et les seconds palais: un essai de mise en contexte, BCH 124, 2000, p. 57­-73.
  • Sistemi lineari, di superficie e di capacità nel mondo etrusco­italico e romano dalle origini all'età tardoantica (Enciclopedia Archeologica Treccani, in press). 
  • Ceramica da fuoco, in A. Romualdi (a cura di), Populonia. Ricerche sull'Acropoli, Pontedera 2002, pp. 143­-178. 
  • Ceramiche comuni, with Stefania Siano, in Romualdi 2002, p. 113-­116.  
  • Catalogo degli impasti, with Stefania Siano, in Romualdi 2002, p. 195­-206.
  • Note conclusive, with Stefania Siano, in Romualdi 2002, p. 207­-214.
  • Weighing and Dieing between East and West: Weighing Materials from Funerary Contexts in the Late Bronze Age Aegean, in R. Laffineur, K. Foster (eds), METRON: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age, Proceedings of the 9th Aegean International Conference, New Haven, Yale University, 18­21 April 2002, "Aegeum" 24, 2003, p. 277­-283.
  • Washing and Dyeing Installations of the Ancient Mediterranean: towards a Definition from Roman Times back to Minoan Crete, in E. Andersson, B. Burke, C. Gillis, U. Mannering, M.L. Nosch (eds), ANCIENT TEXTILES: Production, Craft and Society, International congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark/ Falsterbö (Lund), Sweden, 19­23 March 2003 (in press).
  • Misurare, produrre e registrare: quantità e artigianato, astratto e concreto nell'Egeo dell'età del Bronzo:, AIIN 49 2002, p. 327­337 (Review of A. Michailidou (ed.), Manufacture and Measurement. Counting, Measuring and Recording Craft Items in Early Aegean Societies, "MELETHMATA" 33, Athens 2001).  
  • Towards an Unification of Mass­Units between the Aegean and the Levant, in R. Laffineur, E. Greco (ed.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean, Proceedings of the 10th International Aegean Conference, Athens, Italian School of Archaeology, 14­18 April 2004, «Aegeum» 25, Liège 2005, pp. 383-390. (with Nicola Parise).
  • I sistemi ponedrali dell'Egeo nell'età del Bronzo. Studi, storia, pratica e contatti, «ASAtene» LXXXI, serie III,3, 2003/II (2005), pp. 597­-640.
  • Murex shells as raw materials: purple industry and its by­products. Interpreting the archaeological record, in L. Bender Jørgensen, A. Rast­Eicher, S. Desrosiers (eds), The Archaeology of Textiles and Clothing, X EAA Congress, Lione, 8­11 September 2004 (forthcoming).
  • Current Approaches to the Study of the Ancient Weight Systems, in M.E. Alberti, E. Ascalone, L. Peyronel (eds), Weights in Context. Bronze Age Weighing Systems of Eastern Mediterranean. Chronology, Typology, Material and Archaeological Context, Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Rome, 22­24 November 2004, Rome (forthcoming) (with E. Ascalone, N. Parise and L. Peyronel).
  • The Balance Weights from the Kadmeia, Thebes, in Alberti et alii (forthcoming) (with V. Aravantinos).
  • Changing in Time: Some Aspects of the Aegean and Cypriot Balance Weights, in Alberti et alii (forthcoming).
  • Gli impianti di lavorazione delle fibre tessili a Creta nell'Età del Bronzo, con particolare attenzione alla ceramica d'uso industriale, in F.M. Fales, M. Rubinich, P.A. Verduchi (eds), DAL NATISONE ALL'EUFRATE. Una rassegna di scavi archeologici dell'Ateneo udinese, Proceedings of the Colloquium, Udine, Palazzo Antonini, 2­3 Dicembre 2004 (forthcoming).
  • La prima porpora: primato etnico o comune patrimonio mediterraneo?, in A. Vanzetti et alii, Studi in onore di Renato Peroni, pp. 9­12 (forthcoming)  
  • Washing facilities and washing tools in Minoan households, in N. Vogeikoff­Brogan, K. Glowacki (eds), ΣΤΕΓΑ. The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete from the Neolithic Period through the Roman Era, International Colloquium, Ierapetra, Crete , 26­28 Maggio 2005 (forthcoming)
  • Textile industry indicators in Minoan work areas: problems of typology and interpretation, in C. Alfaro, L. Karali (eds.), Textiles and dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World, 2nd International Symposium, Athens 24­26 November 2005 (forthcoming)
  • Problems of production organization in Neopalatial Crete, with an appendix on the Mycenaean period. Study in honour of Federico Halbherr. Research conducted at the Italian School of Archaeology of Athens under the auspices of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento during 2005.


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