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On-line Primary School lessons

"The first years: from 2012-13 to 2015-16" (Giulia Dionisio)


Some years ago we began to carry out an educational project starting from MUSINT. A cycle of lessons has been addressed at the Istituto Comprensivo Statale of nursery, primary and middle “Baccio da Montelupo” School, Montelupo Fiorentino city. While specifically addressing the fourth grade class, the program was articulated in a four lessons series focusing on the course presentation and its educational applications.

In the first lesson, the whole MUSINT project was shown and explained to children. The educational sections, created for the macro areas of Mainland and Crete, was explained and analyzed, together with the teacher and pupils. As such, also thanks to the creation of a power point series, it was possible to introduce the children to the discovery of the ancient Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, while developing an innovative learning method centered on image display and simplified texts.

In addition to this main lesson, three dedicated lessons on some specific aspects of these ancient civilizations were carried out. In particular, topics such as the production of ancient ceramics, the techniques of archaeological restoration and the art of war in the Mycenaean world were illustrated.

At the conclusion of this process, a visit to the Florence Archaeological Museum's storerooms was finally made. As a result, the children were able to see most of the objects collected in the virtual museum. This experimental teaching approach was based on the active participation of the class; at the end of the lessons all suggestions by children were collected for any subsequent improvements of MUSINT educational section.

Moreover, another cycle of lessons has been addressed to the fifth grade classes, concerning the Etruscan civilisation, in particular on the ceramic production and the virtual restoration of artefact. Besides two power points, a visit to DREAMS (Dedicated Research Environment for Advanced Modeling and Simulations), a technological laboratory belonging to the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa has been organized, where the pupils could visit and interact with the new advanced technologies.

Fourth grade classes:

  1. Percorso didattico MUSINT (Power point introduttivo al percorso didattico del progetto MUSINT. Le slides esemplificano le fasi di progettazione, organizzazione e sviluppo del percorso)
  2. Società minoica e micenea (Nel power point vengono presentati alcuni aspetti specifici della società minoica e micenea, generalmente non affrontati nel corso dei normali percorsi scolastici. Le slides prendono in considerazone, ad esempio, il ruolo della donna, i giochi dei bambini, lo sport, l’arte della guerra e la cultura del cibo)
  3. Lezione ceramica Montelupo (Power point inerente la tecnologia di produzione dei manufatti ceramici nel mondo egeo ed esemplificazione delle principali classi ceramiche di ambito minoico).
  4. Il restauro della ceramica (Nelle slides del power point viene presentata la ceramica archeologica, dal suo ritrovamento in corso di scavo al suo arrivo nei laboratori pronta per essere restaurata).

Fifth grade classes:

  1. Gli Etruschi e la ceramica (Nel power point vengono presentati alcuni aspetti specifici della società etrusca, generalmente non affrontati nel corso dei normali percorsi scolastici. Le slides prendono in considerazione, ad esempio, il ruolo della donna, i giochi dei bambini, la manifattura dei gioielli e la cultura del cibo)
  2. Il Laboratorio DreamsLab (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa). Power point introduttivo alla visita che verrà svolta presso il laboratorio della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Le slides esemplificano la strumentazione di cui dispone il centro universitario e le relative applicazioni nel settore dei beni culturali)


"The  novelty in 2016-17" (Daniela Puzio)


The educational project started in 2012 continued its growth and training course for primary school students, always starting from MUSINT project, but with the addition of MUSINT II project: the new project explores some innovative themes that contribute to the acquisition of cultural notions of the ancient Aegean and Cypriot world. In the first lesson, besides the site MUSINT, is now presented the site MUSINT II, ​​a project - connected with the previous one -that mainly deals with specific objects, the Minoan nodules and the related sealings kept in two Italian Museums, the Archaeological Museum of Florence and the Prehistoric Ethnographic Museum Luigi Pigorini in Rome, coming from the excavations of the ancient "villa" of Hagia Triada. As for the MUSINT project, MUSINT II has an educational section entirely dedicated to pupils of primary school: MUSINT II's strength is undoubtedly to "learn by playing." Children, starting  from the web site, have immediate access to a wide range of games with varying levels of difficulty: among them are stories to be completed, crosswords, labyrinths and puzzles. They may download and colour the sealings, paint new images, discover various curiosities and enter in a storytelling rich of surprises. In addition to the basic lessons, two other small modules were added: the first one was an easy explanation on the ancient Minoan scripts, in particular the Linear A, and the second on Cypriot artistic old productions of the 2nd millennium B.C.. For this year, it was decided to complete the project with a guided tour at the Ceramic Museum in Montelupo. Children were thus been able to put into practice the knowledge gained during the lesson on the restoration of archaeological ceramics.


Fourth grade classes:

La scrittura nel mondo minoico (Nel power point vengono presentati gli antichi documenti cretesi, con approfondimenti sui sigilli)


L'arte cipriota (Nel power point vengono presentati alcuni esempi di arte cipriota con approfondimenti sull'importanza del tema della maternità)


Photo gallery (In questa galleria fotografica sono visibili le fotografie scattate nel corso delle lezioni sui giochi e della visita al museo della ceramica di Montelupo)


"Lecture on the interactive museology and its application to the didactics" (Anna Margherita Jasink)


Following the excellent results of the collaboration between the  Primary School “Istituto Statale Baccio Da Montelupo” and the Sector of Aegean Civilization of the University of Florence in 2017, an official agreement was signed between these two structures which hopes for the continuity of this productive collaboration.After completing the annual project, scheduled for the IV classes of the primary school, a meeting on

La museologia interattiva: dal museo virtuale alla didattica per la scuola primaria

 was held during which the School Executives, Professor Anna Margherita Jasink from the University of Florence and the Alderman for Culture of the City Hall of Montelupo. The meeting open to public has shown great participation by the parents and schoolchilds themselves who have intervened in telling the notions learned through the didactic project MUSINT 2.

In the school auditorium, where the meeting was held, the art works of children inspired by the Minoan and Mycenaean worlds were exhibited: seamless reproductions, funeral masks in clay, ceramic plates with aegean paintings, posters with drawings divided by typology (sport to Crete, mycenaean warriors, minoan palaces, labyrinth, aegean vascular productions...). Given the great success and the vivid participation, the event will surely be presented in the coming years to present the updates that each year make our project on interactive museology unique and varied.


Fotografie della conferenza (con particolare attenzione ai vari lavori eseguiti dai piccoli allievi)



"New approaches in 2017-18" (Daniela Puzio)


The innovative educational project, starting from MUSINT and with the official agreement between the University Department SAGAS and the Primary School of Montelupo Fiorentino, offers attractive novelties for the young students: practical activities referring to the topics have been added to the single lessons. In the didactic path various aspects of the Minoan and Mycenaean history - art, culture, religion, script - have been presented. As a main aid to the learning, a series of power-points, videos, and a direct access to MUSINT and MUSINT II websites have been used.

The program has been articulated in six lessons (two hours each one) addressed to the fourth grade classes: 


First lesson: introduzione sul progetto e sulle Civiltà Egee + attività pratica:  riproduzione grafica di elementi identificativi inerenti la cultura egea (condizione della donna, artigianato, oreficeria minoica e micenea, affreschi dei palazzi cretesi, glittica, produzione vascolare, sport minoici e arte della guerra micenea.


Second lesson: studio della ceramica cretese + attività pratica: decorazione dipinta di un piatto in stile Kamares (a scelta possibilità di decoro con ispirazione all’affresco minoico o all’arte micenea).


Third lesson: approfondimenti sull’arte orafa dei micenei, + attività pratica:  riproduzione in Das con modellazione a mano di una tazza in stile Vaphio.


Fourth lesson: analisi documenti della scrittura cretese + attività pratica:  riproduzione dei sigilli scelti tra le impronte originali scansionate presenti sul sito Musint II.


Fifth lesson: il restauro della ceramica archeologica, studio delle fasi + attività pratica: messa in pratica delle tecniche di restauro su un vaso da fiori:

1) ricerca dei frammenti da unire;

2) l’incollaggio tramite scotch carta ;

3) l’integrazione con plastilina delle parti mancanti.


Six lesson: ripasso sui temi più importanti delle civiltà studiate + attività pratica: (verifica finale tramite “giochi”) testi da completare, cruciverba egei, percorsi labirintici, parole crociate e simili.


Visit to the "Museo della Ceramica" of Montelupo: riconoscimento tecniche di restauro applicate a reperti originali.


MUSINT. Secondo incontro sulla musealizzazione interattiva e le sue applicazione alla didattica ( lecture by A.Margherita Jasink): after completing the annual project, a meeting was held on May 18, 2018, in the school auditorium, with the same modality as the previous year. After the lecture, some pupils, two for each class, spoke about their experience on the Aegean world, and then the works of the various classes were exhibited. The event had a great success.


Video of the lessons




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